i did a strange thing today. i stretched myself on the , shiny emerald green floor and felt the metallic -cold of the cement against my palms ,my cheeks, my shorts-clad bare legs, i felt the warmth of blood seep in, i put my ear against it and heard the throbbing of four generations of hearts, i heard the far away din of 72 long years of laughter,conversations, fights and weepings, i saw fleeting glimpses of births, deaths, marriages, funerals, jhulons, saraswati pujos...i whispered to my house and it whispered back, and then i kissed the floor and asked for its forgiveness, for i am powerless to stop what is going to happen to my home...i feel like a hypocritical,two-faced,lying,conniving,snivelling,spineless bitch...four poster beds look incongruous in cramped,two roomed, low ceilinged flats....i am sorry,i am sorry...
dhur sala! :(
But why? =(
Purono bari KOTO shundor hoy. Rekhe de na.
you hit it where it hurts.
amar puronotao bhanga hobe. uthoner jaygay, they want balconies!
amar ta bodh hoy jotheshto purono hoy ni ekhono.......and when the time comes i think it'll just collapse on it's own!!!
you know, though i rant all the time about demolishing/promoting purono bari...i secretly fancy the rundown purono baris the bedi house opp RKM (which has now been completely destroyed to make way for a shopping mall and flats)and i feel rather guilty about this
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