Saturday, March 11, 2006

here (h)goes (h)to hangla hutom

8 qualities i would want my guy to possess:
A)has to be older than me and taller than me...fat guys stand NO chance!!!

B)has to have a proper name and surname,has to live in a proper locality(yeah baby!!i am a despicable snob as far as para is concerned!!)...i will have to post another blog(with yippee)in order to elucidate upon 'proper locality'!!1

C)has to be a bangali,not just in terms of parentage...actually make that a calcuttan...

D)HAS to be a guy,if you know what i mean...has to be in to sports and a lot of direct bawaali and bangla khistis and...has to be genuinely changra and bokhate,mane keoramota jate ontor theke ashe,not a wannabe keora,has to be seriously chhitial!!!......nahole kukhyato metro paglir sathe jombe ki kore...

E)parallelly,he has to be tolerably well read in both english AND bangla..(any other language is an added bonus,but these 2 are compulsory)...also into music(anything but heavy metal,kane jate kala na hoy!!)and movies...snobs and aantels needn't apply though,if he looks down on sholay or rahul dev burman he can go fuck himself!!!

F)has to be intelligent,not brilliant academically,but intelligent,sensible,PRACTICAL, pacino to hobena,but i have to be physically attracted to him,and he to has gotta be good just call it stuff..shall we?(hope i am good as well!!)previous experience will be appreciated,jouno rog will not!!

G)this one is really important....he MUST be able to hold a fantastic definitions of a fantastic conversation are somewhat unconventional,has to make me laugh till my sides ache...i must be able to talk to him,you know ,really talk,about anything,ships and shoes and sealing wax,cabbages and kings,........late into the night,not necessarilly everynight,but pretty often,often enough to make me stay in love with him..

H)which brings us to our last point..i must be in love with him...and even if he isnt IN love with me,he must love me at least(yes ,there is a subtle difference)as far as it is possible for him to love anybody,i refuse to play second fiddle to anyone ...has to trust me unquestioningly,unhesitatingly,(which will be reciprocated),has to give me my space,and kinda be aloof..i mean i HATE gayepora public...has to be my friend....possessive alpha males needn't apply,kono shala banchod amake terms dictate korte ashbena...i value my independance too much!

PS:neshakhorder bishesh patta dewa hoibe!!!


Blogger Shion Guha said...

I can think of one such person...

8:58 AM  
Blogger March Hare said...

'proper locality'??? heh!!

9:59 AM  
Blogger scorpionragz said...

i have 6 1/2 qualities u wish. If only i was male, i think i'd have all of u hanging on my tail!!! I am not taller than u and not very well read in bangla (sorry, but that's what a convent does to u!!!!). Dunno about changra factor. Am more "guy" than a lot of guys u'll meet!!!Nehsa, as in booze and fags. Cholbe?

10:17 AM  
Blogger Subhayu said...

Heya dude???? guess whose the newest blogger in town .......ha it's da GREAT ME!!!! yeah DUDE its me. check out my page

10:31 PM  

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